Today I started to use JavaFX and encountered a little problem while trying to get descriptions for the methods:

Note: This element has no attached source and the Javadoc could not be found in the attached Javadoc.

The fix is pretty simple:

  1. right-click on your project
  2. select properties (sc: alt + enter)
  3. select java build path in the list on the left side
  4. hit libraries on the top and select the jar to which you like to add javadoc
  5. expand the entry and edit the javadoc location
  6. set the path to the javadoc
    1. online: copy & paste the path into the field on the top of the window
    2. offline: select javadoc in archive and browse for the file
  7. close all windows by clicking ok

javadoc location

E.g. javafx:
The link to the online javadoc is
The download for the offline archive is

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